A Sparkle and a Smile

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Favorites!

Whoa, can you guys believe that spring is officially here?! That's no April Fool's joke (sorry that was cheesy). Spring is one of my absolute favorite times of the year. The grass is starting to turn green again and I've officially packed my winter coat away for another year. Unfortunately we usually don't get to enjoy a whole lot of spring here in Nebraska. We typically get a few nice weeks before heading into the unbearable heat of the summer so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! I thought I would go through some of my absolute favorites things in beauty for spring this year! 


I'm going to start out with nail polish. I have my nails painted at all times, and spring always makes me gravitate towards bright cheery colors. Currently I'm loving bubblegum pinks and peaches. The polish that is gracing my nails right now Sinful Colors in Cream Soda ($1.99 at drugstores). I would describe this color as a cross between bubblegum pink and coral. It is looking a little more coral in the picture below, but it depends on how the light is hitting it. Sinful colors is one of my absolute favorite drugstore brands because it's cheap and lasts for a decent amount of time. As you can see in the picture there are only some minor chips on the edges and I've been wearing this polish for almost a week now.

Bonus: I'm also loving Clinique's A Different Nail Enamel for Sensitive Skins in the color Really Rio ($12.50 Clinique.com). It is a gorgeous peach color. My Mom and my younger sister are both rocking this shade right now, and I love it!


As a naturally curly haired girl I don't like to shampoo my hair every day because the natural oils in my hair make the curls look even better. However, I also don't love greasy roots (am I right ladies?!). So dry shampoo is my best friend! I've been trying some different ones and have just recently found one that I really love: Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Refreshing Dry Shampoo ($4.99 Walmart). First of all, I'm used to dry shampoos having a terrible smell, but this one was surprisingly fresh smelling! Also, when you spray it on you don't get that white powdery residue, which is a nice change of pace. My roots and scalp feel nice and refreshed after I apply it! A definite spring and summer staple for me!


I'm going to confess to you all right now: I'm a total sucker for a new eye shadow. I was recently walking through Target the other day and I had to backtrack when I walked past a display for the new Covergirl Bombshell Shineshadow ($6.99 Target). It's a shadow that comes in a small little squeeze tube. I picked it up in the color Gold Goddess which is a gorgeous shimmering gold. Seriously, if you guys like shimmer you are going to love this one. As far as lasting power, I would give it about a 5: by the end of the day I was starting to see the product wear off. I wear it on its own for a little bit of shimmer on my lids, but you could also layer it with other shadows for a more standout color. 

Bonus: This isn't a new product, but it is one of my absolute spring staples: Maybelline New York Baby Lips ($2.99 Drugstores). I wear the clear Peppermint balm on a daily basis, it leaves my lips feeling soft and gives them just a hint of subtle shine. Also, this product has a sunscreen of SPF 20 which is perfect for the sunny months. The Baby Lips line also comes in tinted colors, try them out. You won't be disappointed!

There are some of my favorite beauty products for spring this year! Let me know what you're loving or if there is something in the drugstore you have been eyeing. I always love to try new products! Happy Spring!

XO- Brittney

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