A Sparkle and a Smile

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Disconnect Between the Internet and Traditional Media

Hello Beautiful Ones!

This one is going to be a little different. I wasn't planning on writing a post today, but then I read an article that made my head spin and I felt that I needed to address it (after calming down... angry rants don't solve anything). I think it's important that we discuss what seems to be a disconnect between traditional media (television, news outlets, newspapers, etc.) and the internet. In the end don't we have very similar goals?

The article that made me see red came from the Independent Voices section of the Independent. The story was about mega-famous beauty vlogger/blogger Zoe Sugg (a.k.a. Zoella) titled "Of course, teenage girls need role models- but not like beauty vlogger Zoella." If that title is making you want to throw things then you probably shouldn't look at the subtitle: "her particular brand of sickly sweet girl power brings me out in hives."

I want to start off here by saying that absolutely everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however I feel that there is a fine line between stating your opinion and angrily attacking someone. The author of the article starts out with the line: "her eyes are enormous." Excuse me for being dense, but what exactly does someone's physical appearance have to do with her ability to be a role model?

The main argument of the article, as I understand it, is that Zoella shouldn't be able to tell young girls to love themselves just the way they are while still doing beauty product reviews and makeup tutorials. As the author puts it:

It’s maddening that a girl who has made it her business to tell teenagers how to put make up on, or get their hair just right, now feels she’s in a position to admonish them for “fretting” about their appearance.

This really makes me sad and angry at the same time. Are you saying that even in 2014 those of us who love makeup aren't allowed to feel like empowered women who can make a difference? The author says that Zoe should be encouraging young girls to go buy a book instead of eyeliner. Personally, I am a beauty blogger with a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Does my love of eyeshadow offset my love of learning and knowledge? God I hope not. I am a strong believer that makeup can and should be used as a way of expressing yourself. I strongly advocate that you should only wear makeup because you want to... not because you think you have to in order to please the society you live in. 

This whole thing brings to my attention that there are still those in traditional media who don't understand/fear the internet machine. Zoe found success by being herself and following her passion, and she did it on her own without the help of traditional media. As bloggers we now have the awesome opportunity to share our lives and the things we care about with people all over the world. That is the power of the internet. 

Why is the internet and traditional media in a power struggle? We as humans typically fear things we don't understand. I think that's one of the things that is happening here. How could a girl who sits in her bedroom and reviews mascara on her camera have literally millions of followers (over 6 million Youtube subscribers to date)? The answer: those who are logging on to the internet aren't necessarily looking for an expert opinion. We want to hear from someone we can relate to, someone who can give us their honest opinion without the fear that they are just speaking for the company that pays them. Wouldn't this all be a lot more constructive if the internet and traditional media worked together instead of pushing against eachother. After all don't we want the same things: for people to see and enjoy our content? We are already starting to see some internet/traditional media collaborations, but clearly a complete truce isn't here yet. 

There is quite a bit more I could say about this, but I don't want to put you to sleep. What I do want is for all of you to think about these things. The disconnect between traditional media and the internet, and can someone who reviews makeup still promote inner beauty? It's easy to get angry about these things, but I think we would all be better off if we instead had a really great conversation about it.

As always your opinions are 100% welcome here (no matter what they may be).


XO- Brittney 
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Favorite Nail Polishes for Fall

Hello Beautiful Ones!

The weather today in Nebraska is gorgeous, not exactly fall like. But we can't deny that fall is here (and we have pumpkin spice lattes to prove it!). In an attempt to get myself into the fall spirit I've been sporting some fall-tastic nail colors (that was real cheesy wasn't it? Sorry).

I tend to go for darker colors on my toenails and lighter ones for my fingernails. I felt that these two colors complimented each other really well. Now let's get into the polish reviews and close up pics:

Essie Fall in Line- $8.50
Fall in Line is part of Essie's new fall 2014 collection. I wasn't really planning on buying this one, but when I came across it in the drugstore I just couldn't walk away. It's a gorgeous green that just screams fall (Essie describes it as "jade"). As always the lasting power of Essie is great I've been wearing it for a week now with very few chips. Here is a close up of the color:

Clinique Nighty Night- $12.50
This polish is from Clinique's A Different Nail Enamel for Sensitive Skins collection. So if you have any problems with polish irritating your skin this might be a great option for you. The price is a little steeper but the polish is great quality. This color is no longer available on Clinique's website, but I found it at my local counter or I'm sure you could scavenge for it online. This shade is really unique. Depending on the light you're in it can look anywhere from dark brown, maroon, or purple. I'm in love!

These colors are great and not too crazy if you need to wear them in a professional setting. (P.s. I officially got a big-girl job! More on that soon).

Let me know what fall colors you're rocking on your nails!

XO- Brittney

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Coral Cheek Favorites

Hello Beautiful Ones!

We all have colors that we naturally gravitate towards. I never realized that coral was one of mine until I looked over my blush collection. I know that for some people the color coral can be a little intimidating, but I think you might be surprised to find that it is more flattering than you think! If you're now ready to jump in there and give coral a try, here are my three favorites:

Benefit Majorette Booster Blush- $28
I feel like I've been blabbing about this one for the last month (which is mostly true), but I can't help it I just love it so much. Majorette is a cream blush that can be worn alone or as a booster under your favorite blush. So if you're a little leary about coral you can take a small step by wearing this under your favorite pink. If you wear it alone the color starts out subtle, and then can be built up. The lasting power is great and as a bonus it has a really lovely citrus smell that will perk you up in the morning. And as a plus the packaging is adorable!

Clinique Chubby Stick Cheek Colour Balm in Robust Rhubarb- $21
I love Clinique's chubby sticks, so when they came out with a cheek version I was really excited. I'm a fan of anything that comes in a portable stick form (beauty on the run!). As soon as I saw this color swatched I just knew I had to have it. I just swipe it on my cheeks and then use a blush or kabuki brush to buff it out, but you could also use your fingers. It lasts well and is so easy to apply it's perfect for those days when I'm running late.

Josie Maran Coconut Water Color Cheek Gelee in Poppy Paradise- $22
This one looks extremely bright in the pot, but I promise you it is not going to turn you into a clown! Once again you can start out slow and then build up the color. Just like the Clinique chubby stick I apply the color with my finger and then buff it out with a brush. I love Josie Maran and her coconut watercolor makeup products and this one is no exception.

Well there you go! Now you can all boldly adventure out into the world of coral cheeks (or at least think about it.) Let me know in the comments if you have ever rocked a coral cheek.

XO- Brittney

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Beauty on a Budget: Two New Drugstore Brow Products

Hello Beautiful Ones!

It's a been a while since I've done a beauty on a budget post, but I promise there will be more drugstore products featured soon! Today we are talking all about brows which have been my longtime nemesis (you can read more about that here). I always appreciate snagging great brow products at the drugstore, but it can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

Today I'm reviewing two new drugstore brow offerings. One I've been really enjoying... but the other just isn't really doing it for me. The brow products I've recently purchased are the L'oreal Paris Brow Stylist Sculptor ($8.99), and the Maybelline Eyestudio Brow Drama ($7.99).

Look at me being all festive with a mini pumpkin (fun fact: my Grandma grew that little pumpkin in her garden so you can thank her for my burst of fall inspiration).

L'oreal Paris Brow Stylist Sculptor in Brunette
Let's start with the product that I'm not exactly loving. L'oreal is marketing this new brow pencil as a 3-in-1 tool for brow shaping. They're counting the pencil on one end, the wax on the other end, and the small brush on the cap as the three tools. The first thing I noticed about this when I first used it was how incredibly pigmented the pencil is. You only have to press very lightly to get a lot of color. I grabbed this pencil in the shade brunette so I would be interested to see how vibrant the blonde shade is. After filling in my brows I ran the wax over my brows to set everything. In my opinion the wax is the star here. Although, you will want to have a sharpener on hand as I have used a lot more of the wax than I have the pencil. I really enjoyed the wax because it did the job without being sticky or gunky. The brush is just ok, personally I prefer a spooly. The real disappointment here though is that I can't seem to make the pencil stay on my brows. By the end of the day it always seems to be smudged or rubbed off completely. All in all I like the color payoff and the wax, but I find that the bad lasting power of this product makes it almost unusable.

Maybelline Brow Drama Eyebrow Mascara in Soft Brown
This is Maybelline's new tinted brow gel. I've had great luck with maybelline brow products in the past (Define-a-Brow is my absolute favorite drugstore pencil), so I was excited to give this one a shot. Even though the gel has a tint to it I still used it in conjunction with a pencil (it works great with my Anastasia Beverly Hills Perfect Brow Pencil). After I filled in my brows with my brow pencil I just ran the brow drama wand through my brows. You do have to run it through a few times to eliminate any clumps and make sure everything is coated evenly. I found the round shape of the brush helpful. I also used the spooly on the end of my brow pencil to smooth everything out. The gel doesn't set immediately so you have time to get it just the way you want it. After the gel dries you can barely tell you are wearing it, it doesn't make your brows sticky or crunchy at all. The lasting power is also good. My final verdict is that this product is great and definitely a good deal for the price!

There seems to be a lot of exciting things happening in the world of drugstore brow products right now. It's so great when you can find high quality products at affordable prices. Let me know in the comments if you have tried either of these yet!

XO- Brittney
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

5 Sample Sized Products That Have Won Me Over

Hello Beautiful Ones!

Confession: I can tend to be a little fickle about my beauty products. Sometimes when I buy a new product I feel like it's the equivalent to finding my prince charming only to find out it was a frog (don't worry my cheesy fairytale reference quota has officially been reached for this post).

 As we all know sometimes the first impression you get from a product is not the same as your final feelings on it. It can really help to try a sample or travel sized amount of a beauty or makeup product before you actually buy the full size. This is especially true if it is a high end product that will be taking a pretty good chunk of your spending money. I'm fine with dropping money on great products... as long as I KNOW I'll love them. So today I'm sharing the 5 sample sized products that have completely won me over and convinced me that I'm ready to commit to the full size.

Benefit They're Real Mascara- $8 (0.1 oz.)
You can actually buy a deluxe sample size of Benefit's best selling mascara for only $8 (compared to the $23 price tag of the full size). You might have read this from me before, but I prefer to buy my mascara in sample sizes anyways. Why you ask? Because mascara really doesn't last long (it typically has a shelf life of 3 months) and I can get plenty use out of the smaller ones. Plus, I like to rotate my mascaras so I'm not just using one all the time. Small sizes allow me to mix it up more! This one is fabulous. My lashes are pretty long naturally so this just makes them stand out perfectly.

Living Proof Restore Mask Treatment- $12 (0.1 oz.)
I received this for free with a coupon at ULTA and now I'm completely hooked. You can buy the travel size for $12 (compared to $42 price tag of the full size). The Restore Mask is a conditioning treatment that you are supposed to leave-in for 5-10 minutes 1-2 times a week. I usually put it on right after I shampoo and condition then rinse it out right before I hop out of the shower. I have naturally curly hair so anytime I can add a little moisture I'm one happy girl. This is great and the little travel size has been lasting me for quite a while.

Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil Light- $16 (0.5 fl. oz.)
I've written before about how I am a complete argan oil convert. I've always thought that it would be weird and slightly counter productive to put oil in my hair or on my face, but I'm telling you to try it is to love it! This light formula from Josie Maran is perfect. I love it on my hair, on my face when I'm having a dry skin day, and to soften my legs after shaving. This small size is $16 (compared to the $48 price tag of the full size).

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion- $12 (0.2 fl. oz.)
I used to think that eyeshadow primer was a waste of time... boy was I in denial. A good eyeshadow primer can make just about any eyeshadow capable of lasting all day. Nothing's worse than achieving that perfect smoky eye and then having it slide off two hours later (that is only a slight exaggeration). This primer is fabulous, it has great texture and gets the job done. You can also get it in other formulas, but I prefer the original. You can get the little one, which lasts forever for $12 (compared to the $20 price tag of the full size).

Clinique Moisture Surge Intense Skin Hydrator- $12 (0.5 oz.)
I tend to struggle with dry skin so whenever I can find a great moisturizer I'm extremely excited. I recently got this one as a free sample after making a clinique purchase and I am officially hooked. You can get this little travel one for $12 (compared to the $38.50 price tag of the 50 ml.). This moisturizer is extremely hydrating and works perfectly under my makeup. My only slight complaint is that it has a bit of an odd smell in the container, but once I put it on I don't notice the scent.

I feel like this post was a little long-winded, but I hope you were able to hang in there. These truly are some of my absolute favorite things right now. Also, they all make fantastic travel products for all of you jet setters out there (take me with you!).

Have a fantastic day beautiful ones! <3

XO- Brittney
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