A Sparkle and a Smile

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Musings: The Art of Asking for Help

Hello Beautiful Ones!

It's Monday once again (oh weekends, why must you go so quickly?). As you might know I'm still trying to figure out exactly what this blog is going to be. So I thought I would try something a little different. Today I'm going to take a break from the sparkles to share some things that have been on my mind lately (this is basically going to be a mini therapy session for me, I'm going to owe all of you a lot of money for your time).

As a recent college graduate I've found myself back at home living with my parents and working part-time until I can find a more permanent position. Some days I feel like I'm stuck in the plot of a cheesy sit-com. But as I've been engaging in the tortuous process of job hunting these last few months I've had to learn a very important lesson: how to ask for help.

I know what you're probably thinking: "ummm how hard is asking for help, didn't we all learn that as toddlers?" Well you're right, we've been taught at a very young age that you should ask for help if you need it. But if my last four years of college have taught me anything about myself it's that I value being self-sufficient very much. I get great satisfaction out of being able to solve my own problems and taking care of my own needs. Don't get me wrong, being an independent woman is a great asset. However, sometimes you just need to ask for help.

Before we all go too crazy let's start with baby steps (maybe I'm the only one hyperventilating right now). You can start out by simply accepting help. I know, what a concept! As I've been job hunting I've had friends and acquaintances alike offering to reach out to their contacts to see if they can help me find a job. I've found this a little overwhelming. I mean, as someone who prides herself on solving her own problems it's pretty humbling to have someone say "I think you're a good person so I'm going to use a little of my time and resources to help you out." Whoa. This whole process has reminded me that there are so many good people out there in this world and I'm so grateful for that.

Now on to the actual art of asking for help. My advice is to take it one step at a time. Maybe just tell someone you trust whatever your predicament is and see if they have any advice for you. It's ok if you're not up to outright asking for help. I've been working on this step myself. And to be honest with you the first one was the hardest, but it's gotten easier.

I'm still job hunting and working on the art of asking for help. It's stressful but I'm trying to just take it one day at a time. Maybe this helped you or maybe you just got a scary glimpse of the inner workings of my mind. The bottom line is: when you truly need help the important people in your life are going to be there for you when you ask for their help. Thanks for indulging my ramblings, and don't worry the sparkles will resume soon!

XO- Brittney

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