A Sparkle and a Smile

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Beauty on a Budget: John Frieda - Go Curlier Heat Activated Spray

Hello Beautiful Ones!

It's freezing here in Nebraska! I mean that literally, it reached a balmy two degrees here today. So to keep my mind off of the frostbite I nearly got walking to and from my car, I'm going to tell you about a curly hair product from the drugstore: the John Frieda Go Curlier Heat Activated Spray.

I've had good luck with other John Frieda products in the past and if you know me at all you know that I will try just about any curly hair product at least once. I'm also a bargain hunter, so if you say drugstore I'm already there (and heading to the checkout). The idea is that you spray this on your wet or damp hair (it won't work dry) and then blow dry to eliminate frizz and enhance your natural curls.

I'm going to be honest with you, for me blow drying my hair is the absolute worst. I try to avoid it at all costs. My curly hair does so much better if I let it air dry, but like I mentioned at the start of this post it was 2 degrees out today! Air drying isn't always an option during the freezing winter. I decided it was time to dig out my blow dryer from the back of my closet and give this heat spray a chance.

Like I said this only works on wet or damp hair. I just lightly dried of my ends with a towel (you don't want to rub curly hair with a towel too much anyway because it will mess up your curls). Application is really easy, you just spray 10-15 squirts on your hair and then blow dry. The smell is nothing special, but it didn't bother me either. Just a light scent.

Now let's talk about results... I have a little bit of a mixed reaction on this one. First of all I thought this spray did an amazing job of cutting down on frizz. Ending up with a frizzy mess is the reason why I usually avoided blow drying in the first place. The first time I used it I didn't dry my hair all the way, and the second time I did. I would suggest completely drying your hair, it totally reduces the frizz.

The thing that I liked least was that I didn't think it did anything amazing for my curls. I felt like my curls were left a little flat. John Frieda does suggest that you will want to use a curling iron to define your curls after drying. They aren't joking!

With that being said, this product is not a waste of money. I will definitely be using it when I need to blow dry, so that I can cut down on that nasty frizz that is so common for curly hair. And at $8.99 a bottle it's a great bargain!

Let me know if you've tried the John Frieda Go Curlier Heat Activated Spray.

XO- Brittney
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