A Sparkle and a Smile

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Musings: Thoughts on Being Too Nice

Hello Beautiful Ones!

Welcome to the new year! Have any of those resolutions bombed yet? I definitely haven't been to the gym like I said I was going to, but we're all just a work in progress right?! It's been a while since I've written a Monday Musings post, so prepare to explore the inside of my brain! We're talking word vomit at its finest. Today I want to talk about being 'too nice.'

I've been told on a few different occasions that I'm just 'too nice.' Being nice is a good thing right? So why then does it always feel like when someone tells me I am 'too nice' they don't mean it as a compliment? Of course you can have too much of anything. It is a very fine line between being nice and being a pushover, but I still think that you can accomplish the things you want to by being nice. I guess that's just the incurable optimist inside me.

I currently have a job where I have to tell people no. Every single day I have to turn people down. Sure, I have guidelines with things I need to cover when I tell them no, but at the end of the day the delivery is all mine. I do my best to cover all the information while still being compassionate. There is no real way to disguise rejection. It will always hurt no matter what, but having someone kindly break it to you can also have a big impact.

Along with being nice, I'm also someone who hates confrontation. For me, these two things go hand and hand. I've found that the nicer I am, the less likely people are to pick fights with me. This is usually where my friends and family chime in and tell me I'm 'too nice.' Because I try so hard to avoid confrontation that sometimes I don't stand up for myself when I feel that I've been wronged, I just smile and say that it's okay when it isn't. In those cases my loved ones are right, I should be voicing my opinion if I feel I'm being mistreated. But with that being said I still don't think that there is such a thing as being 'too nice.'

There is no situation that couldn't use a little more kindness, just don't let yourself lose your voice. We'll kill 'em with kindness and take over the world together.

XO- Brittney
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