A Sparkle and a Smile

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Current Brow Routine

Hello Beautiful Ones!

I've talked about it before, but my brows have always been a bit of a struggle for me. Having thick and unruly brows can be difficult, but I've finally gotten down a routine that works for me and my brows!

I always used to get caught up in what everyone else's eyebrows looked like. I wanted to have brows that looked like the ones I saw in magazines and on tv. The problem of course was that eyebrows are a lot like people, they're all different (I bet you had no idea this post was going to get so deep, did you?). So when I tried to make my brows into something they weren't it just turned into a mess. It wasn't until I started going with my brows instead of fighting them, that I finally became happy with them.

I currently have two brow products in my everyday arsenal: the Anastasia Beverly Hills Perfect Brow Pencil and the Maybelline Brow Drama Eyebrow Mascara both in Soft Brown.

I know that a lot of people are big fans of the Brow Whiz by Anastasia Beverly Hills but I kind of prefer a pencil on my brows versus the crayon kind of texture, it just seems more natural to me. I fill in my brows and then set them with Brow Drama. I've said it before, but Brow Drama is the absolute best drugstore brow product I've ever tried. Seriously... it is that good! I use it in combination with the pencil because it won't give you a lot of color. I love it because it sets my brows without being crunchy and lasts all day.

What's your brow routine? Let me know in the comments!

XO- Brittney

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