A Sparkle and a Smile

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Ciaté Double Lines Liner Duo

Hello Beautiful Ones!

Recently when I was browsing the Sephora website to see what was new (as one does), I was stopped dead in my tracks by something I just HAD to try: the Ciaté Double Lines Liner Duo. Ok, so that might be a little dramatic, but I was very excited to try this. The waterproof duo features a liquid liner on one end and a kajal liner on the other end.

When I think of the brand Ciaté I immediately think nail polish, because until recently that was their main product. They are now branching out with a full makeup line and I for one am pretty excited. After browsing their website I noticed a lot of pretty cool and different products. I was most excited for Double Lines because I've never really seen a liquid liner paired with a kajal liner before, but it's so genius! The liquid liner can be used for your upper lash line while the kajal liner can be used for the lower lash line. 

I've had a love/hate relationship with kajal in the past. I love that it is so creamy and glides on so smoothly, especially on the lower lash line.  I hate that I haven't really been able to find one that actually stays on my eye without sliding downward or rubbing off completely. So how does double lines compare? It's definitely one of the best kajal eyeliners I have ever tried in terms of staying power, and the liquid side is an A+ liner. 

This made applying my liner so fast and easy. If you like a super thin line for your liquid liners this might not be the one for you, the liquid side is a little thicker. But I really liked it, it glided on very well with no dragging or clumping. Also, it stayed put during an entire day of work which is always a plus. 

I love that the kajal liner is a little on the thinner side (compared to say the Maybelline version). The kajal liner also glided on very well. It is very creamy and can be easily layered on if you want a more dramatic night look. There was a tiny bit of rub off, but I was still very impressed. Any other kajal I have ever tried has either made me look like a raccoon or has been completely gone by the end of the day (not cute). 

Overall, I think I'm kind of in love with this! It's extremely handy to have a liquid and a kajal liner all in one product. Oh and did I forget to mention that you can get this for $20?! A pretty good deal. I'm very anxious to try some other makeup products from Ciaté. 

Does this look like something you would try? Let me know!

XO- Brittney 

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nudestix Lip and Cheek Dual Pencil in Mystic/Whisper

Hello Beautiful Ones!

My love affair with the Nudestix brand began a few months ago with their Magnetic Eye Color Pencils, and I'm happy to report the obsession is still going in full force. You guys know I'm a sucker for anything that is portable and/or dual purpose so you can imagine my excitement with I discovered the Nudestix Lip and Cheek Dual Pencil.

If you're not yet familiar with the Nudestix brand (prepare to fall in love), their motto is "nude but better" and every product comes in the form of a pencil. That means that all the shades are very natural looking and not over the top, perfect for everyday wear. Plus it's all super portable, every product comes in their trademark tin (which can be reused for anything!) and is accompanied with a sharpener so you don't need to bother finding one that will fit. 

Now let's talk specifically about the Lip and Cheek Dual Pencil. I picked mine up in the shade Mystic/Whisper. 

I had dragged my Mom to Sephora with me when I picked this up, and when I explained to her that it was a dual pencil that worked for both lips and cheeks she commented that that was a little weird. I guess she might be right, but if I can get something that can do the job of two products in one I'm a very happy girl. I also love that you get two shades in one. Both of these shades would probably fall into the category of nude pinks with Mystic being a berry pink and Whisper being a lighter bubblegum pink. They're both perfect for my fair skin Here's a color swatch (please ignore my scaly hands it's been unbearably dry here in Nebraska!):

I've found myself using the lighter shade Whisper on my cheeks and the darker shade Mystic on my lips, but they could be easily worn the other way around. They are very creamy and blendable. The wear is also good. When worn on my lips they last just as well as any lipstick would. I've been wearing this to work just about every day this last week, but it would also be perfect for class or a light makeup day. And possibly the best part? You can snag this dual pencil for only $24! 

Bottom line: this is a lovely product that just about anyone could find useful!

Have you tried this or any other Nudestix products? Let me know in the comments!

XO- Brittney

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Ready Skin Tool Kit

Hello Beautiful Ones!

I don't care what the groundhog says, I've officially got spring fever. I insist on opening my windows even if the breeze blowing in makes me shiver. It's the idea that counts right? Along with lifting my spirits, the warm weather also means that it's time to prep my skin for those shorts and flip-flops (Ahhh flip-flops!).

I am constantly plagued by dry skin. It seems like any drastic change in temperature wreaks havoc on my skin. That's why I love any product that will give me lasting moisture.

Let's start with the daily moisturizer that I swear by: Cetaphil DailyAdvance Lotion. I know what you're thinking, "that looks like something I would find in my grandmother's bathroom cabinet right next to her dentures and her tubes of 20 year-old lipstick." Your grandma might use Cetaphil, but I promise that makes her a very smart lady! It's not glamorous like other moisturizers, but it's super affordable and gets the job done. I started using this a few years ago when it was recommended to me by my dermatologist (I have very dry, sensitive, and acne-prone skin). I apply this to my face every morning and night. You could use it on your whole body though! It is not greasy, smelly, or heavy, and it wears great under makeup. Don't knock it before you've tried it!

The beginning of spring means that we all need to get rid of that dry winter skin. Body scrubs are a great way to do that. I am in love with the Body Shop Early-Harvest Raspberry Body Scrub. First of all, this one smells amazing. Seriously, it's like showering with an actual jar of raspberry jam (but in the best way)! It has a jelly like consistency and contains actual raspberry seeds. It does a great job of removing dry skin without being too abrasive. Just be careful about applying to freshly shaved skin (that goes for any scrub, actually).

Now for my lips... I HATE dry lips. I'm that girl with a lip balm strategically placed in every bag (for emergencies!). I'm a big fan of Maybelline's baby lips, but something else has caught my undivided attention lately: Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips. The only complaint I have here is that you have to dip it out of the tub versus putting it directly on your lips from a tube. First world problems, I know. But the point is, this product is well worth a little bit of hassle. It leaves my lips so hydrated with a little bit of shine and a tiny amount of pink color. I use this during the day, but also at night for luscious lips in the morning.

Finally, a skin product that is a must for the warm weather season: Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream. I raved about this one last season, but I don't even care. My opinion still stands: this is awesome. I'm pale as a ghost and skin cancer runs in my family, so extended periods of sun exposure or indoor tanning is completely out for me. With that being said, I also try not to blind people with my bare legs. Jergens is the ultimate in drugstore sunless tanning products, in my opinion. The BB Body basically firms your skin, moisturizes, and color corrects. If you're going for serious color you should stick to Jergens natural glow, but the BB Body is subtle yet effective. Perfect for easing into your summer color.

Let me know what your spring skin routine is! BRB going to open every window in my apartment.

XO- Brittney

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Why I'm Choosing to Dance in the Rain

Hello Beautiful Ones!

This is not the post I was planning to write this week, but life is unpredictable which is arguably what makes it beautiful. This week I was faced with a shocking life change. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days, so I thought I would share some of those thoughts with you.

I won't go into the gory details, but the basic gist is that the company I worked for sold the division that I worked in and the new company eliminated my position. I was completely dumbfounded. I've definitely been experiencing all of the emotions: shock, anger, sadness. There have been a lot of tears.

Needless to say I've had some unexpected downtime, and I started thinking about one of my all time favorite quotes: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain..." -Vivian Greene. This quote has always spoken to me. But lately it has never felt more applicable. I walked out of my office building for the last time feeling hopeless.

I soon realized that  even though I was going through something terrible it didn't mean that I wouldn't be able to figure it out. Sometimes horrible situations can still be productive, even if it doesn't feel that way. I feel so bonded with another coworker who was also laid off. We've been calling each other every day with updates on our job searches. And you know what else? I realized how strong I am. As cheesy as it sounds you have to experience the lows to truly appreciate the highs.

We all have to deal with our own personal storms. I know there are a lot of people out there that are dealing with things much worse than losing their jobs (perspective is so important), but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. I'm choosing to dance in the rain though. I let myself cry the first few days, but I didn't hesitate to start applying for new jobs. I think that's the point of the quote: you should acknowledge the storm, but you shouldn't let it stop you from doing what you want. I also took some time for myself. I took a bubble bath in the morning, wandered around the mall in the middle of the day, hung out in Starbucks for an afternoon. It felt good.

I know this post has been heavy, but there is a silver lining... I was offered another position today. I know Olivia Pope is choosing to stand in the sun (I am obsessed with the show Scandal, #teamJake), but sometimes dancing in the rain can feel so good.

I don't know what storms you're dealing with and I don't know how long they will last, but I hope that you choose to dance in the rain.

XO- Brittney
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Monday, March 2, 2015

The Dry Shampoo I Currently Can't Live Without

Hello Beautiful Ones,

It's no secret that I am a complete dry shampoo junkie. Not only do I constantly have a can of dry shampoo in my beauty arsenal but I also like to rotate and try different ones. I've had some favorites along the way, but there is one that stands out right now: Dove Refresh+Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo.

Dove has really been stepping up their beauty game in recent years. They aren't just all soap and lotion anymore. I wasn't even planning to buy this one in particular I was just scouring the hair care aisle for a new dry shampoo (like I said, dry shampoo junkie.) I'll be honest with you, the sleek white packaging is what caught my attention right away. I decided to give Dove a shot.

The reason I'm a religious dry shampoo user is because I have naturally curly hair. Washing curly hair too often can actually strip it of the natural oils it needs to keep your curls pretty and in tact. I usually stick to a schedule of washing my hair every other day. The problem is, that sometimes my roots can get a little greasy in between washes. That's where the dry shampoo comes in, it can help soak up that grease and add volume.

So what's so great about this dry shampoo from Dove? It does exactly what it says it is going to do. It invigorates your roots while absorbing the grease and giving your hair bounce. The directions suggest you spray your roots a section at a time, then massage the shampoo in, and finally brush it through (I use a comb, cause I don't like using brushes on my curls.) I love this dry shampoo because it really made me feel like I had just washed my hair. Not only did it eliminate the grease but it handled that itchy scalp you sometimes get with second day hair. I have used other dry shampoos before that have given me more volume, but this one still gives you a decent amount of bounce and volume.

I think I might actually be sticking with this dry shampoo for a while... or maybe not, who knows? :)

XO- Brittney

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