A Sparkle and a Smile

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fighting Writer's Block

Hello Beautiful Ones!

I'm not going to lie, I've spent the last few days wracking my brain for something to blog about this week. Writer's block is no joke. So I decided to beat it at its own game by writing a post about it (take that dreaded writer's block!). The sad part is I couldn't even come up with a creative title (ugh), but E for effort right?

I've taken a couple of creative writing classes during my life. Once in high school and once in college. Both classes had very similar formats. We spent some time talking about writing and different techniques, but most of the time we were given crazy prompts to write about. For example, describe someone in this room using as many adjectives as you can. I actually had to do that one, and then we had to guess who each person had written about based on their description (mortifying, but actually very productive).

I guess my point is that there were a lot of times in both of those classes were I felt completely silly writing about the things I was writing about, but at the end of the day I truly was writing better than I ever had before. Sometimes nonsense turns out to be exactly what you need to create something great.

As a perfectionist I've always struggled with the idea of just writing whatever comes to my mind without a plan. That sentiment goes for a lot of other things in my life as well, I'm not that great at being spontaneous. But sometimes that's exactly what it takes to make things happen.

Which brings us to this messy post about writer's block in an attempt to get rid of my writer's block. Did it work? Only time will tell! :)

XO- Brittney

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