A Sparkle and a Smile

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dealing with Adult Acne

Hello Beautiful Ones!

I will be the first to tell you that being an adult is pretty awesome (ok, not the bills), but there's something pretty great about being able to make your own choices and finding out that you actually are capable of taking care of yourself. Amazing right! You know what's not amazing though? When your acne prone face makes you feel more like 14 than 24. Today we're talking about dealing with adult acne.

I will be the first to tell you that acne is not fun at any age. I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager, but I was always operating under the assumption that eventually I would grow out of it. If I could just survive high school I would be fine (we all just pretend high school never happened anyway, right?). But that's not what happened. In fact, it was pretty much the exact opposite. By the time I was a sophomore in college my acne had gotten much worse and was completely out of control. Not only was I breaking out constantly, but the pimples were becoming large and painful. Also, my extremely oily skin was no match for makeup. Attempting to cover up my acne just didn't do much good.

I tried nearly every treatment I could get my hands on including Proactive and just about everything offered at the drugstore, but nothing could handle my acne. I found a few things that worked for a while, but it was like my skin would eventually wise up to my tricks and the acne would return in full force. That's when I finally scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist.

My dermatologist started my on a regimen of an oral antibiotic and prescription topical cream. The improvement was gradual, but also pretty amazing. There was just one little set back when I was allergic to the first antibiotic (let that be a lesson to all of you to keep track of your allergies, yikes!). But once we found an antibiotic that worked for me my skin improved greatly. I was no longer getting those painful pimples, and I didn't feel like I had to cake on makeup just to go outside.

I took a little break from the dermatologist when I moved cities, but now I'm back on course. I'm once again taking an oral antibiotic and using a prescription topical cream. My current dermatologist suggested the Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash. I've been using it for a couple months now and I really like it. It's an extremely gentle cleanser that helps keep my oily skin under control.

I'm not advocating that you absolutely have to turn to medicine or prescriptions to cure your acne. That's the thing, everyone's skin is different. You just have to find what works for you. I also want to be very clear in saying that the acne on your face doesn't make you who you are. I promise you, you are beautiful just the way you are! But, with that being said you shouldn't have to deal with painful acne, or feel self conscious that people are only looking at your acne and not you. I've finally found something that works for me and I just wanted to share!

Here's to being adults (while still acting like children)!

XO- Brittney

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