A Sparkle and a Smile

Sunday, September 14, 2014

5 Beauty Products That Will Help You Hang On to Summer

Hello Beautiful Ones!

This post is for all of you out there like me who are desperately clinging on to the last of the summer sunshine before fall completely takes over. I will happily swap out my tank tops and flip flops for cardigans and boots but you better believe that I'm going to hang onto my favorite summer beauty products until the bitter end. I've gathered up 5 beauty products that will not only remind you of carefree summer days, but can also be nicely transitioned into fall.

Marc Jacobs Honey Rollerball- $22
I really love buying perfumes in rollerballs because they are so portable. You can easily throw this little guy in your purse (or your beach bag if you're lucky) and you're good to go. Something about this fragrance just screams summer to me. It has a sweet and sunny scent. A few swipes of this and even the coolest fall day will feel a little warmer.

Jergen's Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer- $8
This is a year round love. I'm sure most of you have tried this one before, but just in case you haven't I'm going to rave about it a little. This is basically a great moisturizer combined with a light bronzer. Perfect for hanging on to that nice summer tan a tiny bit longer.

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Shampoo- $5
It is no secret that I am a firm believer in the Not Your Mother's brand of hair products (you can read all about my obsession here). When I first tried this shampoo all I wanted to do was stand in the shower and sniff the bottle (sorry for that mental image), but seriously you guys this stuff smells amazing. The best way I can describe the smell is coconuts and sunshine. If this shampoo doesn't transport you to the beach then I don't know what will.

e.l.f. Essential Shimmering Facial Whip in Lilac Petal- $1
e.l.f. is another favorite drugstore brand. When you compare the quality of the product with the price there is no rival in my opinion. This facial whip is a gorgeous shimmering highlighter to give you that gorgeous summery sun kissed look even on a gloomy fall day. Here is a color swatch:

Milani Baked Bronzer in Glow- $10
Once again, anything I can use to extend my summer color is a win for me. This bronzer is perfect because it's not too dark and just adds more of a shimmery glow than anything. This can also double as a great highlighter. Here's the color swatch:

Now we can all live in denial that colder temperatures are among us. And if you are one of the lucky ones who live in a place where it's always warm, can you send me some sunshine? I promise I'll adjust eventually. Stay sparkly beautiful ones!

XO- Brittney

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